To save $89.99, I took Big Red into the city for a tune-up on Thursday. It was free at HUB where we bought our bikes. And as my only mode of transportation, the poor thing has taken a beating over the past couple of weeks.
It was about 110 degrees in the city on Thursday. I rode to the Old Greenwich train station around 10AM (you can only take bikes on trains that arrive at Grand Central AFTER 11AM). As people stared, I lugged Big Red up two flights of stairs, spilling my coffee all into the basket AND into my helmut resting in my basket. Ugh. No one offered to help.

Then I wheeled her onto the train and took an awkward seat around her. We arrived at Grand Central, and walking off I notice we are at the lower level. Awesome. I pick the bike up (barely) and walk up FOUR flights of stairs to ground level. Chanting, "I can do it. I can do it." The thing ways a TON.

Again, no one offers to help. Well, ok, I take that back. One old man said to me gruffly, "want me to help?" No no, I've got it. Don't bother. He tried to pick up the back, but it only made it worse.
Where are all the gentlemen when you need them?? Oh, right... I'm in yankee-ville. Not down in the sweet South.
I feel as if I might faint. I now have to walk the damn thing down 42nd street across eleven avenues till I reach the West Side Hwy. Now I am chanting, "I can't do it. I can't doooooo it."
Dripping. My elbows and eyelids were sweating. Finger tips and toe-nails, sweating. Anything that could sweat-was.
I finally make it. Get on, and cruise down to Charles street. Drop my bike off with George and proceed to wipe my entire body off with paper towels. My pretty little silk, just-dry-cleaned dress is SOAKED. Gross.

ooops, these are out of order. Big Red in Times Square & (below) Grand Central

I want to badly to just cruise around my old hood for a bit, before meeting Alst for lunch. But in this heat-there was no way. I hop in a cab. I'm WAY early, so I stop into Red Cat, sit at the bar with my book and sip on pink sangria and snack on cold fresh radishes :)

Alst and I chat catch up over lunch :) Then I head to photog class, where we work with reflectors and diffusers. SO much fun!!

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