Wednesday, July 6, 2011


My sister said to me the other day, "You're renovating a house. You're like an adult!" This coming from the mouth of a mother of TWO children, and whom has been married 5 years! But so far, marriage and home ownership has made me feel more like a kid than an adult... 

Top 5 reasons why I SHOULD feel super old: 
  1. I'm married. A Mrs. I have a 'husband'. Weird.
  2. I turn 30 next year. 
  3. We bought a house. In the suburbs. Surrounded by families, dogs, and small children. 
  4. People ask me on a daily basis when I am going to have a baby. 
  5. I cook all the time. And make my husband coffee and breakfast every morning...well except yesterday.

Top 5 reasons why I don't: 
  1. I am currently unemployed, leaving my summer days completely free. 
  2. I have no ride. Except my bike. And I wear a helmut. 
  3. There are lightning bugs EVERYWHERE. 
  4. I am SO scared of the dark and the house at night. I refuse to go in the basement most of the time, unless Chris is here. 
  5. I am the youngest "adult" on this street. 

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