Monday Night:
We savored the delish Mexican feast I spoke about earlier, sipped refreshing margs, and chatted with new neighbors.

My mother-in-law Eva came to visit. She drove down from Guilford, CT-bringing with her the most beautiful hydrangeas and some seriously delicious zucchini bread. The bread was made by Chris' sister, Tina, using a zucchini from Isak's (his 5 year old nephew) garden :)
Eva drove me all around Greenwich, Cos Cob, Riverside. It was so nice to be in a car cruising around with someone that knew where they were going! We stopped for lunch at Mediterraneo on Greenwich Avenue. We took a table outside and two glasses of cooling white wine. It was a SCORCHER Tuesday. Chris got home early and we drank MORE wine and cooked Omaha steaks (house warming gift from nice brokers) on the our little Weber.

Chris went to work early and Eva and I walked Tod's Point, TWICE! She can really move. It's so beautiful there in the early mornings. I started to fade during lap two, having not had coffee or breakfast yet and we decided to head back. We got our coffees to go and had toast and jelly from the farmer's market at home. We carefully chose a restaurant for lunch,
Nuage in Cos Cob. It was delightful! Would def go back....when we have a vehicle. After lunch, Eva set off for Guilford and I took a long nap. The HEAT those two days totally drained me....and maybe the wine at lunch ;)

I had my first photography class in the city! Took the train in, totally underestimated how long it would take to walk from 42nd & Park to 26th & 11th Ave. Late and sweaty upon arrival. Class was great and I can't wait for next week's!

Met up with Alston for cocktails on the roof at Soho house, Chris came to meet, Tony got stuck at work, and the three of us went up to Terminal 5 for the Gomez show. Lots of cocktailing and not enough dinner! We left early and Chris and I headed to the train station for our tired commute back at 11PM. We ended up on two different trains and I ended up in Stamford-long story... I hopped in a cab and picked my husband up on the side of the road as he was walking home. HA!

I took my bike to the beach for the day. It was so lovely and SO hot! I had a cheeseburger and fries at the concession stand. Later, Chris and I attended the Greenwich Hospital-Under the Stars Benefit at Bell Haven Yacht Club. GORGEOUS party. Regis was the MC! There was an auction and I raised my hand and bid on a trip to Paris and London :) Thank GOD others bid higher or Chris said: there goes our hard wood floors....

Chris and I slept in. He rode his bike into town and got us Hotsy's breakfast sandwiches from Garden Catering.

Later we packed up our beach bags and our bikes and went to Tod's for the day. It's much easier to hang at the beach when you have company. We stayed till 6PM! Then dinner at The Beach House and a little ice cream to end the night :)

Chris took an early train to Old Saybrook. He's meeting Reinier there and they are going to sail the boat back to Stamford.