5:45 AM-Make breakfast and coffee for my dear hubby before his first commute! He walks to the train station.
6:30AM-Find wet mildewing sheets that dear hubby left in the "on it's last leg" dryer. Re-wash.
7:00AM-Pack computer, camera, etc. Walk to Arcadia, the one and only coffee shop in town. Jones-ing for a little Wi-Fi. (Dear hubby ignored the call to set our internet connection up at home....) Turns out their Wi-Fi has been out for a couple days now.
7:30AM: Walk back home. Can't get into house. Get angry. Fiddle with the key in the front door for about 10 minutes.
8:00AM: DEEP clean the bathroom. Supposedly in CT when you buy a home, it only has to be "broom cleaned". Even if you have a large shedding dog and it hasn't been deep cleaned since it was built in 1924....
9:00AM: Take a break, eat Chinese Noodles, leftovers from a BBQ at the Dank's last night.
9:15AM: Call cab to come get me and take me to Brewer's where the boat is and Reinier's car, that he is so generously letting us borrow for the next few days.
Struggle to lock the stupid huge old door.
Yell at cabbie, who is lost and speaks no English.
Start walking.
He picks me up, "where going?"
"I'm going to Brewer's Yacht Haven off of Washington Boulevard".
Cabbie, "the library??"
Me, "Ugh, no. Just drive, I will show you how to get there." Under my breath..."I have lived here for TWO days and I know my way around here better than you, and this is your JOB. This doesn't happen in the City."
9:30AM: Pick up Reinier’s gorge Mercedes Benz. Can't figure out how to get it into 'reverse'.
9:45AM: Outta there! Finally. Cruise around Stamford. Get lost. Find Bed, Bath & Beyond. Shop.
11:30AM: Look for Wi-Fi to no avail. Find a Mexi spot, Lola's open for lunch. Dive in. Have delicious $8 chicken tacos :)
Noon: Find my way back to I95 and back to Old Greenwich. Find Starbucks. Plug in :)
2:00PM: Head home. Find the two sweetest housewarming gifts!
3:00PM: Met with Adam (insanely talented architect and brother-in-law) and the contractors.
Later: Plan is to cook this on our new little Weber that dear hubby bought after only owning our house for a mere 20 minutes.
Even Later: We pulled our little table out under our gorge tree, opened a bottle of wine Chris has been holding onto since he lived in San Francisco, 10 years ago. And we ate and drank and took in the view J